Children's Assistive Technology Service

Children's Assistive Technology Service


HealthcareCommunity Organizations/Non-Profit

About Us

Children's Assistive Technology Service (CATS) is a tax exempt 501(c)3 public charity determined to get children with disabilities off the sidelines and into the action. CATS promotes the recycling, refurbishing and redistribution of adaptive devices and mobility equipment so that all children have their needs met as soon as possible. No wait for third party payer paperwork, and no denials. We don't believe that children should have to wait for the equipment they require to empower learning and participation. Supervised by rehabilitation professionals, CATS accepts donations of costly adaptive equipment from one child who has out grown it, and prepares it for donation to another child who needs it. We would like to create communities in which all available adaptive equipment is in use by children with disabilities who need it. CATS saves Virginia tax payers millions in public health care dollars.
CATS participates in the GoBabyGo initiative, which provides custom modified motorized toy ride-on cars for children age 2 to 6 who are unable to walk independently. for this program and our primary mission we depend on community volunteers for a variety of tasks, including equipment donation pick up, repairs on equipment, office tasks, and creation of GoBabyGo cars. Much of our volunteer labor force is comprised of college students and retirees.

Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Timp Hecht
Executive Director
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John Naples
Operation Manager